Aprovecha los 15 días gratis AL MÁXIMO!!!

Sigue esta guía de 2 semanas

Next we will propose a task plan to make the most of the 30 days of free trial. They are grouped into four weeks. 

All tasks can be carried out with the user informed by our team.

At the end of each task, an approximate estimate of the time required is indicated (1 hour per week to avoid overloading yourself) and a link to the help page where they can answer the main questions. In addition, our help desk is always available to make inquiries.

The recommended tasks for each week do not necessarily have to be completed on the same day.

Etapa 1

Objective: Register Contacts, Income/Expenses Concepts, Products, and visit the Configuration menu screens.

Etapa 2

Objectives: Use records created in week 1, record Income and Expenses movements, Purchase Orders, Purchases and know the Massive Product Update screens.

siguiente >>

It can be useful to you

Do you want your company to make a leap in productivity?

You will have the collaboration of our entire team at all times and our specialized support will attend to all your technical queries.

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